Lakeland Wireless Internet Connections Information

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A state-of-the-art wireless network is deployed across the campus, and there are different wireless networks available:

LCC-EMP (for faculty and staff)
LCC-STU (for active credit students)
LCC-GUEST (for guests)

You must have a wireless (Wi-Fi) adapter that supports WPA-2 Enterprise with PEAP authentication and an active account to access our wireless network. Lakeland Community College's Help Desk can help you connect to the most popular still supported operating systems (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android).

Student Wireless Instructions (LCC-STU NETWORK)
Select "LCC-STU" when you browse for wireless networks. All newer devices will auto configure WPA2 encryption with PEAP authentication and you should just be prompted for username or identity and a password.

Username/ID:Your ID is the first part of your student e-mail address before the @ symbol.
Example: jsmith12 of
Password:Your default password was emailed to you when you applied as a student.

Once you authenticate and connect, you will be able to browse the Internet, but when you change your password, you will have to enter your new credentials.

Employee Wireless Instructions (LCC-EMP NETWORK)
Select "LCC-EMP" when you browse for wireless networks. All newer devices will auto configure WPA2 encryption with PEAP authentication and you should just be prompted for username or identity and a password.

Username/ID:Your ID is your Lakeland Active Directory/Blackboard ID. Example: jsmith12
Password:Your default password is your 8 digit Lakeland ID (LID).

Once you authenticate and connect, you will be able to browse the Internet, but when you change your password, you will have to enter your new credentials.

Guest Wireless Instructions (LCC-GUEST NETWORK)
Guests may self register for a temporary guest wireless account. The account grants them 7 days of uninterrupted access. After 7 days, the guest will need to reconnect.
  • In Wi-Fi Settings, Select "lcc-guest"
  • Our lcc-guest connection is encrypted once the process is complete. When you see the message about connecting to an unsecure network, Select "CONNECT"
  • The SSL Certificate provides the encryption and will be trusted once a connection is established. When you see the message that the SSL certificate is not trusted, Select "CONNECT"
  • When prompted, Enter the requested information so your account can be created.
  • When you see a paragraph of "terms and conditions" for using lcc-quest, Scroll through the paragraph to enable the ability to check the box.
  • Check "I agree to the terms and condiitions" to enable the register button.
  • Push "Register" to complete connection process.

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